Golf Assessment

Reassurance from the first call

One of our team members will assist you with your health concern and schedule you for your Running Assessment.


The Initial Assessment

A Golf Assessment is a 1.5 hour appointment with a physiotherapist, designed to assess how your body moves related to your golf swing. Although there is no “one way” to swing a club, there is one way for your swing to be the most efficient based upon what you physically are able to do.

The first step is an extensive interview of your golf history, current level of play, as well as your short and long term goals. These goals are often increased club head speed, longevity or pain free golf.


Swing Analysis

The interview is followed by a physical assessment and swing analysis. 

The physical portion of the assessment pays particular attention to global posture and alignment, muscular imbalances, musculoskeletal mobility and extensibility.

The movement analysis looks at how your body moves as it relates to your swing mechanics. It uncovers current movement capabilities, while identifing limitations in mobility and stability. The analysis establishes the connection between physical deficiencies and potential swing tendencies from point of view of a clinician, not a golf pro.


Your Plan

The physiotherapist then designs a tailored corrective exercise program for the individual.  The program includes mobility, stability and strengthening exercises to unlock movement limitations, maximizing the efficiency of how your body naturally swings the club.

Building the necessary strength and stability, the client is propelled forward in their pursuit their golf goals while having in place strategies to avoid future pain or injury and play for many years to come.

Our Physical Therapists


Ashley Trampe

Physical Therapist


Wade Miller

Physical Therapist


Chase McCrea

Physical Therapist


Luc Digout

Physical Therapist

Book a Consult

Fill in the form below, and we'll be in touch to schedule your appointment.

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Your Name
Is this a WCB or SGI claim?

95 Broadway Street East, Yorkton Saskatchewan, S3N 0L1

Phone: 306-782-5194
Fax: 306-782-0311

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri    8am – 5pm

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