All Access Membership

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The EVOLVE All Access Membership has it all and is our best value to you!

What does an All Access Member get?

Strategy Session - Your coach reviews your unique goals, performs a needs anaylsis and explores your exercise experience and injury history. Your coach will evaluate various aspects of your fitness such as strength, power, movement quality, and your level of conditioning. 

Program Development Package - With the data from the Strategy Session, your coach creates a program tailored for you to deliver results safely and effectively.

Program Instruction - Your coach will go through your program with you and is available for any ongoing questions you may have about your training.

Ongoing Program Support - As your goals change, your coach can create or adjust your program as often as needed for no additional fee.

Private Training - All Access Members receive ONE Private Training Session per month!

Unlimited Access to Group Training classes

Unlimited Access to Open Training


95 Broadway Street East, Yorkton Saskatchewan, S3N 0L1

Phone: 306-782-5194
Fax: 306-782-0311

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri    8am – 5pm

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